Wednesday, November 18, 1998

Letters To The Editor
The Tampa Tribune
Tampa, Florida

Dear Editorial Staff,

This letter is in response to your Tampa Tribune Editorial of November 9, 1998 – "Only roads or more transit options?" Unfortunately, the editorial does your readers and our community a disservice by adopting a consistent, marked bias for rail, rather than affording a balanced and objective critique of transit options in general. And in so doing, either through inadvertence or design, your editorial staff mislead and serve as reckless "cheer-leaders" for social tinkers and the minority rail fringe in their hubris driven crusade to coerce Taxpayers from the convenience and freedom of "evil" private automobiles into the inconvenience and inflexibility of government's "good" anachronistic rail mass transit. Never mind that there is no objective evidence that any such multi-billion dollar undertaking is worthwhile, or that the taxpayers of Hillsborough/Tampa will use or ever receive their money’s worth from light rail.

In the interest of bringing balance to the Tribune's reckless commentary, I respectfully submit that four threshold questions need to be answered before we move forward on rail transit.

Has it worked elsewhere?

What about light-rail’s reputed benefits to the environment? Is light-rail worth the cost? Is there evidence that light-rail will work in Tampa/Hillsborough -- will Taxpayers abandon the convenience and comfort of their private automobiles for light-rail mass transit?

Does this mean that we should not build rail in Tampa/Hillsborough? Not necessarily, but it does mean that we absolutely must do a better job of planning and reviewing the alternatives than other cities have done. And the review must be open, honest, ruthlessly objective and devoid of politics. Any analysis should include a substantive bus alternative - one with service levels at least as high as proposed for rail, and with dedicated rights of way. Finally, it should also include an alternative that would allow competitive contracting to the private sector, which other cities have used successfully to reduce costs.

Whether or not we build rail should depend upon three final criteria.

The first has to do with reducing traffic congestion. Rail's success is not demonstrated by the number of people on the train, rather it is demonstrated by how many cars it takes off the road. That number must be material.

The second test is financial - whatever rail accomplishes, it should do so for less than any other alternative.

The third criterion is just as important - the alternative finally selected must be the result of objective and rigorous planning and studies, whose design and processes are not skewed for or against any of the alternatives.

 Perhaps we can agree that Tampa/Hillsborough residents have endured more than their fair share of government buffoonery and Taxpayer financed boondoggles in recent years? Perhaps we can also agree that your readers deserve journalistic objectivity and professional skepticism rather than bias, manipulation and pandering to the anti-democratic philosophical agenda of social "engineers" and rail fanatics in their dishonest, economy wrecking, multi-billion dollar rail conspiracy.

Owen S. Whitman